1. Name: Alish
2. Age: 23
3. Male or female IRL: male
4.Homecountry and timezone:Bulgaria, GMT +2
5.How active are you: 1-3h/day, when I'm free even more. Personal record 16h non-stop playing... Feeling like a grinding whore... xD
6.Main characters name, level and class: Axeron, 59, Destroyer
7.Lineage 2 history: I'm playing since C4, This is my first time on off. I had played in many L2 private server, most of them low rate, x2/x3 and etc. Always playing with orc/destro, as a first sub (healer/nuker/archer), and then what clan needs
8.Clan history: As I can understand that question, may be you ask for old clans that I have been in, hemm... TNC, I'm okey with the guys, but they are not active... so I'm almost everytime alone.
10.Why did you choose AAO: I like your playing style. Small numbered clan, who enjoy to play together. Do not ignore lower lvls and thinks for each active member (I guess you are like how I'm saying)
Now pls read the rules of AAO: AgainstAllOds clan rules
11. Do you accept these rules: yep, I do