Name: Stefan
Age: 20
Male or female IRL: Male
Homecountry and timezone: Romania ; GMT +2
How active are you: Everday of the week + weekends ( with a few exceptions)
Main characters name, level and class: Einz/Lv.58/Shillien Knight
Lineage 2 history: Eternal sin / l2 revenge / l2 vendetta/ l2pvpx/l2 carnage/l2max/l2 renewal. And I started with all of these in C3, and i kept playing since now.
Clan history: my main clan was Pipou also known as End
Why did you choose AAO: Well.. for the simply reason that it looks very organized, an important thing from my point of view
Now pls read the rules of AAO: AgainstAllOds clan rules
Do you accept these rules: Yes