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 AgainstAllOdds clan rules

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Posts : 172
Join date : 2010-03-11
Age : 40
Location : Serbia

AgainstAllOdds clan rules Empty
PostSubject: AgainstAllOdds clan rules   AgainstAllOdds clan rules EmptyFri Mar 12, 2010 1:59 pm

- BE ACTIVE, make partyes, lvl up low lvls;
- Farm A grade armor recipes if u want armors + parts
- ALL mats in CWH, and drops from RB;
- In my absence ask for help/XP/RB partyes to: HunglikeA , Magikal
- ALL put 50k adena in CWH daily;
- Democracy will be respected.
- ALL inactive players will be DISMISSED from clan;
- Make Baium, Antharas, Valakas quests;
- Obey admin,GM-s at least respect them
- Do not disrespect anyone on our clan
- Respect other clan allies
- Do not EVER intentionally pk any players if not necessary
- LEARN THE RB spots
- Do not use too harsh language if not necessary
- NO HACKS, CHEATS, MODING SETTINGS, GHOSTING, or SPAMMING CHAT *if found hacking you will be kicked from our clan, and your actions will be announced to everyone.

* Always serve for your clan, fight till the last blood.
* Give your 100% at all wars and events.
* Never let something take away your loyalty to AAO
* Loyalty is the start of a great friendship.
* AAO is like a family - stay loyal to every part of it.
* Once a AAO, Always a AAO.

If any member thinks its his/her time to leave the clan then it is required of him/her to talk to any of the leaders before doing this, so we (the leaders) get an idea why that member wants to leave the clan. If any of the leaders can't be reached in game please announce on forum.

Addition by HungLikeA:
If you're going to be not able to play L2 for a period of a week or longer please make a post in this topic.

Last edited by Liquit on Thu May 20, 2010 5:17 am; edited 1 time in total
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